Saturday, April 2, 2011

I Ain't Missing You At All

Every since I was a little kid I have always dreaded Sunday. Sunday was the dark cloud of my week reminding me that my mundane, meaningless life cycle was about to pass go once again. Even The Smiths understood my pain with the poignant lyrics, “Everyday is like Sunday. Everyday is silent and gray.”
I would leave work elated on Friday afternoons knowing that for 60 hours or so there were no phones to pick up, emails to answer or butts to kiss; but that powerful feeling took a nosedive as soon as late afternoon Sunday rolled around. The knowledge that I had to once again work hard for my money flashed like a warning beacon bringing my 60 hour weekly vacation to a grinding halt.
Now I am finding that there is no one day of the week I dread because I know the following day I will be doing something I want to do, not something somebody wants me to. I am able to go to my yoga classes and not abbreviate final relaxation in order to get to work on time. In fact, I am getting to know my fellow yogis because there’s no need to rush home. I volunteer rehabbing sea turtles and am able to do that more often and consistently because I can and want to. I am a stay-at-home pet mom able to give extra love and receive more snuggles and wet kisses because life is affording me the ability to do so. I even clean the house with more gusto for crying out loud! There is no more meaningless life cycle anymore, rather a constant flow of happy, meaningful moments.

It’s Saturday afternoon as I write this and I am thinking - bring it on, Sunday! I can’t wait for you, Sunday! If only everyday could be like Sunday!
Sunday is the new Friday.

1 comment:

  1. For a moment there, I thought you were dreading church! No wait, that was MY life. Either way, the change is good.
